Strategy2Execution Advisory LLC

Strategy2Execution Advisory was founded on the principle that to be competitive the strategic imperative goes beyond the question of “what now” to “what next” with a clear roadmap defined.


Creating a clear strategy for your Digital and IT efforts is critical today.  With demand for Digital/IT capabilities outpacing the supply, having a strategy enables you to focus on the highest value initiatives first but with a clear 3-5 year roadmap for the future development.


Preparing to start a major initiative requires up front planning to ensure the project is set up for success.  Putting the appropriate structure in place with the right level of governance and program management will help to facilitate success. However, this must be achieved without impacting productivity.


There is an ongoing debate on what is more difficult, developing a strategy or executing it.  After spending half my career in consulting and half in industry, execution is by far more difficult.  Invariably there are issues that arise that are not planned for that will require creative and innovative thinking to keep the project on time and on budget.


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What We do

Strategy2Execution helps to develop Digital and IT Strategies that can enable businesses to achieve the highest return on investment. To maximize ROI, the strategy is constructed with execution in mind. Combining a compelling strategy with a strong execution plan is our primary focus.