Our Work

Since inception, we have been able to perform a diverse set of strategic initiatives and provide advice to CEO, CIO and CDO leaders. We help to define digital and IT strategies, provided advice on digital and IT transformations, help to build new digital channels, define legacy modernization plans, and develop product expansion strategies. We continue to look for new and exciting projects to leverage our expertise and experience.


Mulesoft Executive Advisory

At Mulesoft, we are helping to define their offering to CIO’s through both internal and external channels.  Internally we provide advice on how to position their product with CIO’s and their leadership teams.  Externally, we work with CIO’s that are considering the use of Mulesoft to answer any questions they may have. The focus as been on using the Anypoint platform to increase the speed and productivity of their IT teams.

Board Member for NY Life Tech Advisory Board

For NY Life, Frank serves as a board member helping to review and set IT Strategy.  The board meets four times each year to review progress toward the strategy, determine potential changes to the strategy and to additional business enabling capabilities.

CIO advisory to an Equipment Manufacturing company

We support the creation of a digital transformation plan for an equipment manufacturing company.  Leveraging the IOT data from their equipment they are creating a cloud platform to store and analyze the data as well as a digital channel to give their customers both historic and real time views of how their equipment is performing.

CapGemini Advisory

At Capgemini, we provide advice on how to best execute their consulting engagements as they work with other CIO’s and C-suite members.  

Consulting Advisory

For a mid-sized consulting company, we provide advice on how to support their diverse set of customers.  Our primary focus has been to help with Fortune 500 retail customers, mostly interacting with their CDO’s and CIO’s. 

REtail industry association payment technology assessment

We are performing an assessment for a leading payment industry association representing over 140 major merchants in the U.S. to determine if/how they would add a payment technology track to their offering for merchant members.  Today, this retail association provides payment professionals with everything they need to be effective in their roles, e.g., networking, operational advice, industry advocacy, payment education and stakeholder collaboration, etc.  Our assessment provides a recommendation on how to enable cross education for its members on emerging payment technologies and related business implications into their future strategic plan.